Le 25/04/17 à 20:16, Mike Miller a écrit :
Agreed with Steven, although I do find myself a little more annoyed and bothered by a typical init than him I guess.
Even so I didn't think the current proposals went far enough. To tilt the balance farther, to make it easier, let's go all the way! Instead of continuing duplication:
def __init__(self, foo, bar, baz, spam, ham): self .= foo, bar, baz, spam, ham
# object member assignment self .= foo .= bar .= baz .= spam .= ham
How about?
def __init__(self, foo, bar, baz, spam, ham): self .= *
The asterisk here used to be reminiscent of argument unpacking (minus self). That would imply a double asterisk for keyword assignment which could be used as well.
Also, I did find the decorator proposal intriguing, though have to say I probably wouldn't bother to use it unless it were a builtin or I had a dozen parameters to deal with.
If you *need* a shorter solution, even though I'm not entirely sure there's a real need for it, it may be easier to get something like this (I think, as there is no new operator involved) : def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.* = *args self.** = **kwargs And I'm sure this could easily find new use cases outside of a constructor. But, any of these proposals, mine and yours, if you really need this to shorten the code writting time or vertical space only, is not a better idea than to propose a macro to your IDE editor, or a pull request if it's open source. Such a macro would generate automatically those long-to-write lines, and maybe implement some code folding if vertical space is an issue. - Brice