On Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 10:44 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <mal@egenix.com> wrote:
Just to clarify: Python 2.0 was called 2.0 because the BeOpen marketing
department thought it was good idea, not because there were major
incompatible changes going into that release.

Alternative history question: if it was just 1.6, then would Python 3000, probably called "Python 2000/2.x" in that world, with all the fixes have happened sooner because you would have "ran out" (yes, v1.10 > v1.9) of numbers leading up to 2?
With that approach, the versioning scheme would just be an
implementation detail, which is good. Whether we call it Python
4.2 or Python 42 is really not all that important. Python
is mature enough to not have to pull marketing tricks anymore.

But of course we'll skip Python 9, just like iPhones and Windowses ;)