Jacob Holm wrote:
Bruce Frederiksen wrote:
Guido van Rossum wrote:
but how about 'return from'? or 'return finally'?(??) ...
Or what about "yield return"? That clearly marks the construct as belonging in a generator. It also mixes well with the idea of a "yield raise" that I mentioned in another mail (not a suggestion for this PEP). Another strange one: 'close with X'.
This hinges on the 'close' method returning X and also that this could be done syntactically *without* making 'close' a reserved word by relying on 'with' already being a reserved word with very limited usage in the grammar: generator_return_stmt: NAME 'with' testlist And then verify later that NAME is 'close' (or raise SyntaxError). I'm not that familiar with Python's parser to know if it could handle this or not (LL vs. LR)... -bruce frederiksen