During the development process it is very common to implement a new functionality, write a test for it and then run tests. I don't want to run *all* tests though, but only the new one which I just wrote. Currently unittest module lets you do this via cmdline with: python -m unittest test.test_module.TestClass.test_method This is not very practical though as you have to figure out the name of the module (easy) and the name of the test class (something which I *never* remember). Proposal is to allow a wildcard notation like this: python -m unittest test.test_module.*test_method* python -m unittest *test_method* What I expect from unittest is to execute only the test methods matching "*test_method*". This is related to an old proposal I raised 3 years ago: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2010-August/007992.html After that dicussion I ended up coming up with a decorator for skipping tests: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578234-unittestskip_others-decorator/?in... ...but I never find it really practical and I ended up abandoning it. In retrospective, I think the cmdline is the right place from where such a thing should be controlled. Thoughts? --- Giampaolo https://code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/ https://code.google.com/p/psutil/ https://code.google.com/p/pysendfile/