Feb. 11, 2010
4:11 p.m.
On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Gerald Britton <gerald.britton@gmail.com> wrote:
country = ("US",) country_state = tuple(country)+("NY",) country_state_city = tuple(country_state) + ("NY",) country ('US',) country_state ('US', 'NY') country_state_city ('US', 'NY', 'NY')
if tuple() had a copy() method, I could write:
country_state = country.copy() + ("NY",)
Note that for a tuple T tuple(T) == T So you can already write: country_state = country + ("NY",) and it will already have exactly the same effect that tuple(country) or your proposed country.copy() would have. -- André Engels, andreengels@gmail.com