On 10/15/16, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
* None-coalescing operator: x ?or y * None-severing operator: x ?and y * None-coalescing augmented assignment: x ?= y * None-severing attribute access: x?.attr * None-severing subscript lookup: x?[expr]
Please don't be too harsh to me for my next words! :) Just to trying to find something more cool (at least for young people :P ) I was thinking about emoticons... :( (means I am not happy because left is None) But parenthesis would be too confusing with "real" parenthesis. Example: (x :( (a + b)) # and editor would have problem to find corresponding pairs of parenthesis! So I am just trying to replace parenthesis with <> and playing with it * None-coalescing operator: x :< y * None-severing operator: x :> y * None-coalescing augmented assignment: x =< y * None-severing attribute access: x.>attr * None-severing subscript lookup: x[>expr] # ok this one seems a little weird to me too alternatively: x:>[expr] With this syntax/paradigm we could have also: * None-severing augmented assignment: x => y About spelling: we could say None-coalescing and None-severing operator in theory and sad and happy operator in real life. :) PL.