On Jul 23, 2019, at 18:44, Nam Nguyen <bitsink@gmail.com> wrote:
FYI, my current proof of concept parser is at ~300 lines of code, with debugging trace support. Other than performance (which I don't intend to tackle in my library very soon), is there any other concern that I have missed? At the moment, I am still of the opinion that the goal raised in this thread is very attainable, and should be considered.
I personally don’t think anything more needs to be done for a proof of concept (except maybe proving that performance actually is solvable). But what’s the actual proposal here? Even if everyone agrees that this is a nifty idea, there’s nothing to accept until someone writes an acceptable-performance stdlib-ready parser library, the drop-in replacements for the critical bespoke parsing functions, and the tests that verify that they avoid known security problems but otherwise provide the same behavior.