Hi Barry, Your reply could easily be read as "this is a bad idea, and you shouldn't have bothered writing it down". I hope that was not your intention, and instead it comes from handling self-indulgent people expecting things from you all day. I know, I get those requests too. I'll assume that was not your intention in my answers below. Barry Scott wrote:
I think this has been discussed before and rejected.
Do you have a link to that discussion, or is this just from memory? What should I search for to find this discussion? Why was it rejected?
Your need 2 things to happen (1) a syntax change in python that is acceptable (2) a significant editor to support syntax highlighting for that python change. (3) someone willing to write and support the feature in the python code base
I understand all these 3 things are needed. I'm saying that I think this feature is worth it. Do you mean I should do things in a separate order? We are in the idea stage, before a (1) strict syntax can be suggested.
Will you write and support the code?
Is commiting to write the code a requirement to suggest an idea? Or course this is required down the line, but let's see if this is a good idea first?
If the tags are called as functions then you can do it today with this: def html(s): return s HEAD = html('<head>')
If I'm not missing anything, this doesn't help with syntax highlighting? Highlighting is the problem I'm talking about in my post above. Regards, Emil