While I appreciate what you're trying to accomplish, Yahya, one thing I would like to say is if we were to accept the diagram into the docs I would prefer that there be a source file that isn't an image which we can update with easily available software (e.g. like a dot file). Otherwise updating the file will either be burdensome going forward or we will simply have to drop the image at the first instance of needing to update it because no one can or be willing to put in the effort (and I'm thinking in 5 years, not soon while we can count on you to help).
Of course! "Tip 23 Always Use Source Code Control Always. Even if you are a single-person team on a one-week project. Even if it's a "throw-away" prototype. Even if the stuff you're working on isn't source code. Make sure that *everything* is under source control -- documentation, phone number lists, memos to vendors, makefiles, build and release procedure, that little shell script that burns the CD master -- everything. We routinely use source code control on just about everything (including the text of this bool)." The Pragmatic Programmer, Andrew Hunt & David Thomas. Here are the files! I used plantuml.