dn wrote:
Is this a problem with Python, or with the tool? « Language injections Last modified: 14 December 2022 Language injections let you work with pieces of code in other languages embedded in your code. When you inject a language (such as HTML, CSS, XML, RegExp, and so on) into a string literal, you get comprehensive code assistance for editing that literal. ... » https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/using-language-injections.html Contains a specific example for Django scripters. (sadly as an image - probably wouldn't be handled by this ListServer)
I touched upon this solution in the original post. If all editors could agree to use # language=html it would be an ok solution. That API creates lots of ambiguity around to what the comment should be applied. Some examples which are non-obvious imho: ------------ "<div>" # language=html "<span> ------------ # language=html "<div>" ------------ # language=html process_html("<html>") ------------ # language=html concat_html("<html>", "<span>") ------------
If I instead use separate files, I get syntax highlighting and auto-completion for each file, because editors set language based on file type. But should I really have to choose? In other situations where files need to be collected together, a data-archive may be used (not to be confused with any historical context, nor indeed with data-compression).
The point here is to have everything in one file, editable and syntax highlighted in that same file. I don't think this tip applies to that?