July 14, 2016
1:27 p.m.
On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 11:22 PM, SW <walker_s@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
To me the backslash already has a fairly strong association with "the next character is a literal". Overloading it would feel very strange.
But it also has the meaning of "the next character is special", such as \n for newline or \uNNNN for a Unicode escape. However, I suspect there might be a parsing conflict: do_stuff(stuff_with_long_name, more_stuff, what_is_next_arg, \ At that point in the parsing, are you looking at a lambda function or a line continuation? Sure, style guides would decry this (put the backslash with its function, dummy!), but the parser can't depend on style guides being followed. -1 on using backslash for this. -0 on λ. ChrisA