Hi, On Fri, 12 Mar 2021 at 15:12, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
This layout style is not something I've ever seen used in "real life", and I don't think it's something that should be encouraged, much less added to the language.
More likely because there are two common schools of thought - lists have punctuation *separating* items, and lists have punctuation *terminating* items. I don't even know a commonly used term for the idea of having something *before* each item.
If Roland wants to prepend each item of his list, he can always write
yaml.load(io.StringIO(""" ... - a ... - b ... - c"""))
giving ["a", "b", "c"] ;-) The point being: it's actually very common to prepend each item of a list with a character, arguably more common than after each item. That character may be '-', '•', '∗', but I've never seen ',' used. In most cases, each item in such lists appears on a separate line. Apart from the YAML example given above, this style is used in many ReST/Markdown/ASCIIdoc/wikitext flavours and on whiteboards and notebooks in English, Russian, Swahili, and Volapük around the world. Regards, Gerrit.