Guido van Rossum wrote:
Well, it does sound like we're not going to agree on how enums should behave. There are too many different use cases. So I am giving up. Sorry. (Also I'm going on vacation and will be mostly off-line for the next 2-3 weeks.)
Perhaps we should try to address those use cases one by one, instead of trying to lump everything into one new object type. OTOH, I also do think we should be conservative about adding such new features to the stdlib. There are enough existing implementations on PyPI and the cookbook (including the one that implements the rejected PEP 354) to choose from and there is no one-fits-all type of named-int-that-belongs-to-a-value-set. Have a nice vacation, -- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Jul 29 2011)
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