On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 5:33 AM, Wolfgang Maier <wolfgang.maier@biologie.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
Dear all,
I guess this is so obvious that someone must have suggested it before:
in list comprehensions you can currently exclude items based on the if
conditional, e.g.:

[n for n in range(1,1000) if n % 4 == 0]

Why not extend this filtering by allowing a while statement in addition to
if, as in:

[n for n in range(1,1000) while n < 400]

Trivial effect, I agree, in this example since you could achieve the same by
using range(1,400), but I hope you get the point.
This intuitively understandable extension would provide a big speed-up for
sorted lists where processing all the input is unnecessary.

Consider this:

some_names=["Adam", "Andrew", "Arthur", "Bob", "Caroline","Lancelot"]     #
a sorted list of names
[n for n in some_names if n.startswith("A")]
# certainly gives a list of all names starting with A, but .
[n for n in some_names while n.startswith("A")]
# would have saved two comparisons


This isn't adding a feature that the language can't currently perform. It can, with itertools, with an explicit 'for' loop and probably other methods. List comprehensions are a useful shortcut that should be kept as simple as possible. The semantics of the proposed 'while' aren't immediately obvious, which makes it out of place in list comprehensions, IMO.
