Pascal Chambon wrote:
Mathias Panzenböck a écrit :
Pascal Chambon wrote:
I agree with the idea of auto-nesting "with", however in the case you pointed out, the main problem was the early evaluation of context managers ; maybe a solution would be to delay the creation of context managers, with something like a partial application (cf functools).
Roughly, we'd need a "delayedNested" function, which takes
callables as parameters, and calls/instanciates them inside itself.
Then just call* delayedNested(partial(A,...arguments...), partial(B, ...arguments...))*/ /to have what you want.
It would be much shorter and more readable to manually nest the with statements.
Indeed, but the constructions we talk about would allow nesting dozens of context managers without any problem ; Well then, you'll ask me "what kind of a perverse would need to imbricate dozens of context managers ???" ; sincerely I don't know ^^
But since "flat is better than nested", even just for 2 or 3 context managers, I feel a construct like "with A() as a, B() as b, C() as c:" is anyway better than 3 nested with statements
Yes I'm +1 for "with A() as a, B() as b, C() as c:", too. For the deleyedNested(...) thing I'm -1 however.