On Sun, May 1, 2022 at 9:35 AM Ethan Furman <ethan@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
My own thoughts about the proposal: It seems interesting, and assigning as-is arguments is a chore -- but I'm not sure using up a token to help only one method per class is a good trade.
Is it unreasonable to instead suggest generalizing the assignment target for parameters? For example, if parameter assignment happened left to right, and allowed more than just variables, then one could do: def __init__(self, self.x, self.y): pass Python 2 had non-variable parameters (but not attributes, just unpacking: def foo((x, y)): pass), but it was removed in Python 3, because of issues with introspection (among other, perhaps less significant, issues): https://peps.python.org/pep-3113/ Perhaps now that positional-only parameters exist, and the introspection APIs have evolved over time, there is a way to work this into the introspection APIs sensibly. (a "@foo" parameter does not have this problem, because it's just a parameter named `foo` with some extra stuff.) -- Devin