Core concept ''''''''''''
A context-local variable is represented by a single instance of ``contextvars.Var``, say ``cvar``. Any code that has access to the ``cvar`` object can ask for its value with respect to the current context. In the high-level API, this value is given by the ``cvar.value`` property::
cvar = contextvars.Var(default="the default value", description="example context variable")
assert cvar.value == "the default value" # default still applies
# In code examples, all ``assert`` statements should # succeed according to the proposed semantics.
Running code in a clean state '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Although it is possible to revert all applied context changes using the above primitives, a more convenient way to run a block of code in a clean context is provided::
with context_vars.clean_context(): # here, all context vars start off with their default values # here, the state is back to what it was before the with block.
why not to call the section 'Running code in the default state' and the method just `.default_context()`: with context_vars.default_context(): # here, all context vars start off with their default values # here, the state is back to what it was before the with block. Means `clean` here `default` (the variable is constructed as cvar = ontextvars.Var(default="the default value", ...) ? Thanks in advance, --francis