On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis@pitrou.net> wrote:
And it also has to be reviewed in deep. To quote you: "The memory-related issues are pushing well past my experience".
Agreed and I appreciate your concern, genuinely. I won't apologize for not having experience in various areas, though I recognize the extra caution it requires. However, I will continue to take opportunities to expand my experience--particularly working on things that others have considered to be good ideas but which no one has advanced. I will continue to do this even if it's slow going and even if my effort eventually bears no fruit other than the experience of having walked that path. Ultimately my goal is to be confident that my fellow stewards feel my contributions are helping Python get better. With OrderedDict, I have no illusions of getting everything done quickly, but do feel that the the bulk of the coding is wrapping up. I suppose that in more experienced hands it would be done quickly, but I'm not asking for that. Rather, I want to get a sense of the applicability of OrderedDict to Python's internals since it would be available as a built-in type. I've presented what I consider as two useful internal applications but would certainly like to know what you think. -eric