On 15 December 2011 17:53, Steven D'Aprano <steve@pearwood.info> wrote:
Michael Foord wrote:
On 15 December 2011 17:35, Alexander Heger <python@2sn.net> wrote:

Dear Masklinn,

thanks for your suggested solution.

I know all of these, but
1) it is not as elegant or short
2) why does unpacking not work syntactically the same as for the function
It seems a natural extension that appears not to have a syntactic
conflict.  If it is not even a necessity for consistency.

So, the point is not that something like
can't be done in other ways, but that it can't be done in a neat way.

I quite like that (suggested) syntax.

So do I. But I question the need for it.


Well, the new tuple unpacking syntax makes it easy to work with the head and tail of a sequence:

    head, *rest = some_sequence
   *rest, tail = some_sequence

This syntax provides a corollary:

    some_sequence = (head, *rest)
    some_sequence = (*rest, tail)

Tuple unpacking like this being the equivalent of car and cdr, with the corollary being the equivalent of cons. (Given my limited understanding of these operations.)



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