Ludovic Gasc <gmludo@gmail.com> writes:
2015-07-29 8:29 GMT+02:00 Sven R. Kunze <srkunze@mail.de>:
Thanks Ludovic.
On 28.07.2015 22:15, Ludovic Gasc wrote:
This discussion is pretty interesting to try to list when each architecture is the most efficient, based on the need.
However, just a small precision: multiprocess/multiworker isn't antinomic with AsyncIO: You can have an event loop in each process to try to combine the "best" of two "worlds". As usual in IT, it isn't a silver bullet that will care the cancer, however, at least to my understanding, it should be useful for some business needs like server daemons.
I think that should be clear for everybody using any of these modules. But you are right to point it out explicitly.
Based on my discussions at EuroPython and PyCON-US, it's certainly clear for the middle-class management of Python community, however, not really from the typical Python end-dev: Several persons tried to troll me that multiprocessing is more efficient than AsyncIO.
To me, it was a opportunity to transform the negative troll attempt to a positive exchange about efficiency and understand before to troll ;-) More seriously, I've the feeling that it isn't very clear for everybody, especially for the new comers.
Do you mean those trolls that measure first then make conclusions ;) Could you provide an evidence-based description of the issue such as http://www.mailinator.com/tymaPaulMultithreaded.pdf but for Python?