I'd like to make a plea to people:
I get it, there is now significant opposition to using the + symbol for
this proposed operator. At the time I wrote the first draft of the PEP,
there was virtually no opposition to it, and the | operator had very
little support. This has clearly changed.
At this point I don't think it is productive to keep making subjective
claims that + will be more confusing or surprising. You've made your
point that you don't like it, and the next draft^1 of the PEP will make
that clear.
But if you have *concrete examples* of code that currently is easy to
understand, but will be harder to understand if we add dict.__add__,
then please do show me!
For those who oppose the + operator, it will help me if you made it
clear whether it is *just* the + symbol you dislike, and would accept
the | operator instead, or whether you hate the whole operator concept
regardless of how it is spelled.
And to those who support this PEP, code examples where a dict merge
operator will help are most welcome!
^1 Coming Real Soon Now™.
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