If you ask me the bigger problem with the Wiki is not how to encourage or manage small edits, it is how to deal with the entire wiki gradually getting out of date due to page "owners" losing interest or topics becoming irrelevant. (A random example: https://wiki.python.org/moin/MostPopularPythonProjects is 10 years old, which makes it actively harmful given its lofty title and linkage from other pages.) An early Python contributor, Ken Manheimer, described the necessary activity as "wiki gardening". We need more wiki gardeners, people who have an eye for the big picture and actively edit content, not just guards who passively judge contribute proposed changes (even that's also needed -- Python is sufficiently well-known that the wiki would attract a lot of spam and occasional vandalism if it was completely open). -- --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)