On 01/26/2016 08:55 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:
Currently, something not too ugly would be to use descriptors -- something like:
from dbc import require, ensure
class Frobnigate(object): @require def spammer(self, desc): desc.assertInRange(arg1, 0, 99)
@spammer def _spammer(self, arg1, arg2): return arg1 // arg2 + arg1
@spammer.ensure def spammer(self, desc, res): if desc.arg2 % 2 == 1: desc.assertEqual(res % 2, 1) else: desc.assertEqual(res % 2, 0)
@ensure def egger(self, desc, res): desc.assertIsType(res, str)
@egger def _egger(self, egg_type): 'scrambled, poached, boiled, etc' return egg_type
Where 'desc' in the above code is 'self' for the descriptor so saved arguments could be accessed, etc.
I put a leading underscore on the body so it could be kept separate and more easily subclassed without losing the DBC portions.
If 'require' is not needed, one can use 'ensure'; both create the DBC object which would take care of calling any/all requires, then the function, then any/all ensures, and also grabbing and saving the function signature and actual parameters.
The descriptor itself might look like: # untested class require: def __init__(desc, func=None): desc.require = [] desc.ensure = [] desc.name = None desc.func = None def __call__(desc, func): # desc.func is not None, func is the actual function, # otherwise it's a requires function if desc.func is None: self.require.append(func) return desc else: desc.func_name = name = func.__name__ if name.startswith('_'): name = name[1:] desc.name = name return func def __get__(desc, self, cls): function = self.getattr(desc.func_name) def caller(self, *args, **kwds): for require in desc.require: require(self, desc, *args, **kwds) res = function(self, *args, **kwds) for ensure in desc.ensure: ensure(self, desc, res, *args, **kwds) return res return caller def ensure(desc, func): self.ensure.append(func) return desc def require(desc, func): self.require.append(func) return desc I decided to pass args and kwds rather than save them to the descriptor instance, hoping threading would be easier that way. The 'ensure' class would be very similar. This style does require the programmer to have both names: 'spammer' and '_spammer' -- it would be a bit cleaner to have a metaclass with a custom __getattribute__, but a lot more work and possible metaclass conflicts when combining with other interesting metaclasses. -- ~Ethan~