On Sat, 19 Feb 2022 at 05:56, Samuel Muldoon <muldoonsamuel@gmail.com> wrote:
The python-ideas mailing list is a very cumbersome way to vet changes to the Python interpreter or other aspects of the python language. If the power-that-be would work with GetSatisfaction people to make a copy-cat of the GetSatisfaction page for Minecraft, I think that the python community could then better drive PEPs (Python Enhancement Proposals)
Popularity is a *terrible* way to judge ideas. I'm currently fighting with another platform on that same topic. All you can see from a system like that is how many of the popular ideas get implemented. It says nothing about how many good ideas end up languishing with a small number of votes, simply because they never reach critical mass and not enough people see them. Does GetSatisfaction allow downvotes? If yes: how do you stop a vocal few from shooting down any idea they don't like? If no: how do you guard against those who have louder voices being the only ones heard (in the case of Minecraft, if a major Youtuber were to link to a report, it would undoubtedly get a lot more votes than one from someone without such a platform)? There is no way to make a popular vote fair. ChrisA