On 21 Feb 2010, at 16:02 , C. Titus Brown wrote:
I like Greg's idea of putting it into optparse over warnings because the dependency link is more appropriate; optparse is not related to language behavior, like warnings is.
Yeah but as I said above, I'm not sure it's optparse's role to provide pre-built/convenience options for other stdlib modules, especially given the chance those option would hit into the modules's implementation details.
Plus there's been some recent movement on the idea that optparse may be deprecated (silently or otherwise...) in future Python releases. Well I'm starting the impl on -trunk, and if optparse is deprecated in favor of argparse, I'm sure the same facilities can be built for argparse. It's not like the patch is gigantic.
Whatever you decide, Antoine has said "go for it" -- make up a patch and see what happens ;). Will do, thanks a lot.