On 2018-04-02 10:53, Michel Desmoulin wrote:
Le 02/04/2018 à 07:09, Mike Miller a écrit :
On 2018-04-01 05:36, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
You are right that many of the prefixes can be handled by the same code:
rfd rfD rFd rFD rdf rdF rDf rDF Rfd RfD RFd RFD Rdf RdF RDf RDF frd frD fRd fRD fdr fdR fDr fDR Frd FrD FRd FRD Fdr FdR FDr FDR drf drF dRf dRF dfr dfR dFr dFR Drf DrF DRf DRF Dfr DfR DFr DFR # why did we support all these combinations? who uses them?
In almost twenty years of using Python, I've not seen capital string prefixes in real code, ever. Sounds like a great candidate for deprecation?
It's not like migrating would be hard: a replace is enough to fix the rare projects doing that. And even if they missed the warning, it's a syntax error anyway, so you will get the error as soon as you try to run the program, not at a later point at runtime.
What about doing a poll, then suggests a warning on 3.8, removed in 4.0 ?
Also, Python is case-sensitive elsewhere, so why not here too? OTOH, it's not like it's causing a problem.