Terry Reedy wrote:
Boris Borcic wrote:
Joe Strout wrote:
The point is, we already have a very pretty Template class that does this operation in one direction; it ought to do it in the other direction too. The fact that it doesn't is surprising to a newbie
BTW, a similar comment goes for delim.join() vs delim.split()
A phrase like 'similar comment' is sometimes hard to expand. Are you saying that in 3.x .split should produce an iterator instead of a list? Or that ''.split(s) should return list(s) instead of [''] as now (in 3.0 at least).
The latter, eg sep.join(sep.split(s))==s. But somewhat tongue-in-cheek. More generally, I guess what I am saying is that sequence-of-chars <--> string conversion is a particularly sore spot when someone tries to think/learn about the operations in Python in a structuralist or "mathematical" manner. There are three quite distinct manners to infer an operation that *should* convert back list(s) to s, but none work. Cheers, BB