July 25, 2017
5:02 p.m.
On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 12:59 PM, David Mertz <mertz@gnosis.cx> wrote:
But you've left out quite a few binding operations. I might forget some, but here are several:
Ned Batchelder had a good presentation at PyCon 2015 about names/values/assignments/binding: https://youtu.be/_AEJHKGk9ns?t=12m52s His summary of all assignment operators: X = ... for X in ... class X: pass def X: pass def fn(X): # when called, X is bound import X from ... import X except ... as X: with ... as X: ...I think only includes one other assignment type from what you listed (function parameters) that ironically is where one could maybe blur =/:, as doing f(x=3) and f(**{x: 3}) are usually similar (I think some C functions react poorly?).