After seeing yet another person asking how to do this on #python (and having needed to do it in the past myself), I'm wondering why itertools doesn't have a function to break an iterator up into N-sized chunks.

Existing possible solutions include both the "clever" but somewhat unreadable...

    batched_iter = zip(*[iter(input_iter)]*n)

...and the long-form...

    def batch(input_iter, n):
        input_iter = iter(input_iter)
        while True:
            yield [ for _ in range(n)]

There doesn't seem, however, to be one clear "right" way to do this. Every time I come up against this task, I go back to itertools expecting one of the grouping functions there to cover it, but they don't.

It seems like it would be a natural fit for itertools, and it would simplify things like processing of file formats that use a consistent number of lines per entry, et cetera.
