
Nick posted an excellent answer to this question here:

On Thursday, October 13, 2016 at 4:36:39 PM UTC-4, Марк Коренберг wrote:
I mean mutable containers that are always sorted when iterating over them.

for example:

* SortedSet (sorted unique elements, implemented using (rb?)tree instead of hash)
* SortedList (sorted elements, the same as SortedSet, but without uniquiness constraint) - actually a (rb?)tree, not a list (i.e. not an array)
* SortedDict (sorted by key when interating) - like C++'s ordered_map

There are many implementations in the net, like:

and also in pip:

pip3 search sorted | grep -Ei '[^a-z]sorted'

I think it should be one standardized implementation of such containers in CPython.

For example, C++ has both ordered_map and unorderd_map.

Instead of trees, implementation may use SkipList structure, but this is just implementation details.

Such structres imply fast insertion and deletion, ability to iterate, and also memory efficiency.