On 05.01.2015 16:42, Skip Montanaro wrote:
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 9:27 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <mal@egenix.com> wrote:
I'd add you, but am getting nothing but Gateway Timeout responses at the moment.
If you get those, simply try to resend/reload. The wiki will notice duplicate editing requests. In my experience, the editing requests typically make it through to the wiki the first time and you get a duplicate editing warning on the second one.
Unfortunately, I couldn't even get to the EditorsGroup page to edit it. Now, about an hour later, I finally succeeded.
Hmm, looks like the VM is overloaded again :-(
Ben, send me your wiki login and I'll add you.
MAL, I thought the spam problem had mostly been solved by Martin's modification several years ago to require a certain time to pass between a new login being created and their first attempt to edit.
I'm not aware of such a modification in the installation. In any case, the problem was real and the editors group solved it for good now :-) -- Marc-Andre Lemburg eGenix.com Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Jan 05 2015)
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