Hello, I was thinking of a way to expand the current try-expect block to support condinitial expect block. I was imagining the new syntax as try: expression block expect Exception if condition expression block where the expect expression block would only run if the condition is met else it would raise the exception, for example the following code try: config = get_config() except Exception: if use_default: config = default else: raise would be converted to try: config = get_config() except Exception if use_default: config = default I find it very useful and also I found the same pattern in the following packages that were installed on my system. more_itertools/more.py:227 cloudinit/net/__init__.py:364 matplotlib/__init__.py:330 google/protobuf/internal/containers.py:126 networkx/algorithms/connectivity/edge_augmentation.py:296 twisted/internet/pollreactor.py:160 pyqtgraph/opengl/shaders.py:257 setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing.py:2191 setuptools/sandbox.py:253 pip/_internal/utils/misc.py:115 urllib3/poolmanager.py:362 mako/util.py:65 serial/serialposix.py:294 PIL/PngImagePlugin.py:335 click/core.py:1472 numpy/core/memmap.py:216 pyparsing.py:2067 Looking forward to hear some feedback, Regards