On 11/30/2016 03:56 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
Really, I think the ideal solution from a distro perspective would be
to enable something closer to what bash and other shells support for
failed CLI calls:

    $ blender
    bash: blender: command not found...
    Install package 'blender' to provide command 'blender'? [N/y] n

This would allow redistributors to point folks towards platform
packages (via apt/yum/dnf/PyPM/conda/Canopy/etc) for the components
they provide, and towards pip/PyPI for everything else (and while we
don't have a dist-lookup-by-module-name service for PyPI *today*, it's
something I hope we'll find a way to provide sometime in the next few

I didn't suggest that during the Fedora-level discussions of this PEP
because it didn't occur to me - the elegant simplicity of the new
import suffix as a tactical solution to the immediate "splitting the
standard library" problem [1] meant I missed that it was really a
special case of the general "provide guidance on obtaining missing
modules from the system package manager" concept.

The problem with that idea however is that while it provides the best
possible interactive user experience, it's potentially really slow,
and hence too expensive to do for every import error - we would
instead need to find a way to run with Wolfgang Maier's suggestion of
only doing this for *unhandled* import errors.

Fortunately, we do have the appropriate mechanisms in place to support
that approach:

1. For interactive use, we have sys.excepthook
2. For non-interactive use, we have the atexit module

As a simple example of the former:

    >>> def module_missing(modname):
    ...     return f"Module not found: {modname}"
    >>> def my_except_hook(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
    ...     if isinstance(exc_value, ModuleNotFoundError):
    ...         print(module_missing(exc_value.name))
    >>> sys.excepthook = my_except_hook
    >>> import foo
    Module not found: foo
    >>> import foo.bar
    Module not found: foo
    >>> import sys.bar
    Module not found: sys.bar

For the atexit handler, that could be installed by the `site` module,
so the existing mechanisms for disabling site module processing would
also disable any default exception reporting hooks. Folks could also
register their own handlers via either `sitecustomize.py` or

Is there some reason not to use sys.excepthook for both interactive and non-interactive use? From the docs:
"When an exception is raised and uncaught, the interpreter calls sys.excepthook with three arguments, the exception class, exception instance, and a traceback object. In an interactive session this happens just before control is returned to the prompt; in a Python program this happens just before the program exits. The handling of such top-level exceptions can be customized by assigning another three-argument function to sys.excepthook."

Though I believe the default sys.excepthook function is currently written in C, so it wouldn't be very easy for distributors to customize it. Maybe it could be made to read module=error_message pairs from some external file, which would be easier to modify?

Yours aye,

And at that point the problem starts looking less like "Customise the
handling of missing modules" and more like "Customise the rendering
and reporting of particular types of unhandled exceptions". For
example, a custom handler for subprocess.CalledProcessError could
introspect the original command and use `shutil.which` to see if the
requested command was even visible from the current process (and, in a
redistributor provided Python, indicate which system packages to
install to obtain the requested command).

My personal vote is a callback called at
with a default implementation that raises ModuleNotFoundError just like the
current line does.
Ethan's observation about try/except import chains has got me think
that limiting this to handling errors within the context of single
import statement will be problematic, especially given that folks can
already write their own metapath hook for that case if they really
want to.


[1] For folks wondering "This problem has existed for years, why
suddenly worry about it now?", Fedora's in the process of splitting
out an even more restricted subset of the standard library for system
tools to use: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/System_Python

That means "You're relying on a missing stdlib module" is going to
come up more often for system tools developers trying to stick within
that restricted subset.