Hello, here is my ideas of new keywords combinations : (the code is writed like this #code#. Sorry if I do some english mistakes) 1 - and pass if except This one is just a shortcut of # try : code here except : do something # Its syntaxe is #CODE and DO_SOMETHING if except#, it's more readable i think. It is usefull for code like this : #import A_WINDOW_MODULE and import A_UNIX_MODULE if except If DO_SOMETHING is replaced by #pass# it just skips the ligne (and the error) 2 - CODE if CONDITION else CODE I would like the #VALUE if CONDITION else OTHER_VALUE" can also executes code. Like : #Sign_in(user) if button_i_dont have_a_acount.press() else Log_in(user)# or #break if quit==True# If the #else# isnt present and the condition result is False, the interpreter don't executes that ligne What do you think about ?