On Jan 23, 2008 11:20 PM, Aaron Brady <castironpi@comcast.net> wrote:
def f( callback, *bar, **bkwar ): def preg ( callfore, *far, **fkwar ): sf= g( callback, callfore, bar, bkwar, far,
fkwar )
return sf return preg
We see how to rewrite this one?
The Python Ideas list is really intended as sort of a testing ground for potential PEPs. What is it that you're proposing to add to or remove from the language?
+1 on prepartial in functools.
So far, I've only seen this one use case for prepartial - and I'd rather have decorator_withargs itself than prepartial. Do you have any other use cases for prepartial (from real code somewhere)?
Currently, I'm -1 on adding prepartial to functools, and +0.5 on adding something like decorator_withargs.
Are you also -1 on partial's being in functools?
Not that it matters, since it's already there, but no, I wasn't. In fact, the presence of partial is a big reason not to need prepartial -- most existing use cases are already covered by using partial. As Arnaud pointed out, if you restrict decorator_withargs to keyword arguments, you don't even need prepartial, you can just use partial itself. Thus, I don't see prepartial as really covering many new use cases. If you'd like to convince me otherwise, you're going to need to post some use cases from real code. STeVe -- I'm not *in*-sane. Indeed, I am so far *out* of sane that you appear a tiny blip on the distant coast of sanity. --- Bucky Katt, Get Fuzzy