On 23 Nov 2022, at 12:32, Ronald Hoogenboom via Python-ideas <python-ideas@python.org> wrote:
Refer to PEP 3137 and PEP 358.
Bytes objects are for conveying binary data (or encoded strings). Such binary data is customary specified in hex-dump or base64 format in source files. It would be nice to introduce a way in python to do that ‘natively’ (at lexical analysis time) using x-strings and y-strings (in lieu of f-strings).
x”0123456789abcdef” (x-prefixed quoted string of even-numbered amount of characters of the set [0-9a-fA-F], whitespace ignored) equivalent to: b”\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab\xcd\xef” (but more readable)
y”ASNFZ4mrze8=” (y-prefixed quoted string of valid base64, whitespace ignored) equivalent to: b”\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab\xcd\xef” (but shorter)
This is not a replacement of the hex/base64 encoding, binascii packages etc. It just gives the programmer more freedom to specify literal bytes objects in the source code.
How often would this be useful? If its rare and only nice to have I would doubt it would be added to python. I have written a lot of low level protocol and IOCTL calls that cannot think of a time this would have helped me. struct is often a mean to create blocks of binary data. Long strings of binary data would be a maintenance issue. What do all the bits mean? Barry
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