Platform Tag ------------
The platform tag is simply `distutils.util.get_platform()` with all hyphens `-` and periods `.` replaced with underscore `_`.
This part is going to cause problems. distutils is good at identifying Linux and Windows and giving them sensible platform names, but it doesn't do a good job for other OSes. I've updated this part of the PEP with some examples of get_platform(), and have simplified the "list of supported tags" section by removing the "all older versions of Python with the same major version" logic from the PEP. It is still allowed, but it is not needed in the PEP. I would love to expound on the correct implementation of get_platform() for all major platforms. I do not know anything about the other platforms. A BSD and OSX expert will necessarily have to write that part of the specification. Daniel Holth (If you think the list of supported tags is long, go read about the Google spell-correct algorithm that pre-computes every spelling mistake for every word so it can tell you which correctly spelled word is the closest to your typo)