On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 8:58 AM Random832 <random832@fastmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jan 5, 2021, at 17:17, lasizoillo wrote:
Sorry, but if I'm understanting the point is to make one-liners. For example, if I want to do something like:
$ env | grep "^XDG"
In one python one liner like
$ python -c 'import os;print("\n".join([f"{key}:{value}" for key, value in os.environ.items() if key.startswith("XDG ")]))'
I can, but If I have things that require indentation I must change it to something like:
$ python << EOF
what if we had special support for python -c (and maybe in some other places like exec(), but definitely not for source files) for the purpose of one-liners? Then the syntax wouldn't need to be suitable for general purpose use, and you could do something like "have ~{ ~} ~; as alternate spellings of INDENT, DEDENT, and NEWLINE respectively"
python -c 'import os~;for key, value in os.environ.items():~{if key.startswith("XDG"):~{print(f"{key}:{value}")~}~}'
What if we had shells that actually allow you to put newlines inside quotes? $ python3 -c 'import os
for key, value in os.environ.items(): if key.startswith("XDG"): print(f"{key}:{value}") '