On 1/7/19 3:38 PM, Barry wrote:
On 7 Jan 2019, at 03:06, Richard Damon <Richard@damon-family.org> wrote:
For something like reading options from a config file, I would use a call that specifies the key and a value to use if the key isn't present, and inside that function I might use a try to handle any exception caused when processing the key, and it could return the default. Most config file APIs I have used have has_section and has_key type functions that remove the need to catch exceptions.
What config file API are you using htat is missing this?
I was talking about if I was to roll my own, I would start by calling a function I was writing with the key / default value, and it might have a try block so any error that threw an exception would cause it to fall back to the default value. The OP is obviously obviously thinking of something a bit off standard, or he would just be using a standard config reader, and not need this. Maybe the issue is parsing the data from the config line into some internal format, and wanting to catch bad values, like a line that said "nfiles = 42balloons" that throws when it is expecting just a number. -- Richard Damon