Hello all,
Please Dom Grigonis add choices :
- "No preference" choice to first question
- "I don't know" or "I can't tell" to third question
And I will answer to your poll and probably other people will feel and
do the same.
I agree that question 2 makes me prefer C syntax.
But C is not the nicest syntax in my point of view.
In MySQL SQL, there is IF(condition, if_result, else_result)
which I find nice.
Moreover, it fits well with black style of formatting:
foo_var = IF(
this_is_a very_long_condition_expression_which_may_have_nested_parts,
this_is_a very_long_if_result_expression_which_may_have_nested_parts,
this_is_a very_long_else_result_expression_which_may_have_nested_parts,
to compare with :
foo_var = (
this_is_a very_long_condition_expression_which_may_have_nested_parts,
? this_is_a very_long_if_result_expression_which_may_have_nested_parts,
: this_is_a very_long_else_result_expression_which_may_have_nested_parts,
I can enjoy both, but I prefer the SQL apart from the fact that "IF"
keyword would be ambiguous.
I also enjoy very much :
foo_var = CASE
WHEN condition THEN if_result
WHEN condition2 THEN elif_result
ELSE else_result
from SQL.
And CASE is not a reserved keyword and WHEN, THEN, ELSE could have
specific meaning inside of case.
Truly, I would enjoy the following syntax for Python à la black :
foo_var = case(
when condition then if_result
when condition2 then elif_result
else else_result
or even more concise and still readable :
foo_var = case(
condition : if_result,
condition2 : elif_result,
Best regards,
Laurent Lyaudet
Le lun. 17 juil. 2023 à 22:42, <
python-ideas-request@python.org> a écrit :
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 23:41:25 +0300
From: Dom Grigonis <dom.grigonis@gmail.com>
Subject: [Python-ideas] Conditional 1-line expression in python
To: python-ideas <python-ideas@python.org>
Message-ID: <31303E8B-05A4-408B-AF4D-916F805B5966@gmail.com>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Hi everyone,
I am not very keen on long discussions on such matter as I do not think there is much to discuss: there is no technical complexity in it and it doesn’t really change or introduce anything new. It is only a matter of opinion & style/design preferences with respect to logical order and brevity of a statement.
So I thought, if anyone can be bothered on such question and instead of writing 3-minute e-mail, would take few seconds to answer 3-question poll.
https://q5yitzu62.supersurvey.com <https://q5yitzu62.supersurvey.com/>
Would be interesting to see if my preference is an outlier or not really.
Kind regards,
D. Grigonis
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