Yes, this would be a shortcut for that.  math.nan and math.inf are less verbose than float("nan") and float("inf"), even if you aren't already using the math module (fewer characters total, and in particular fewer special characters).  It would also, at least in my opinion, be more readable.  Plus there is already the math.isnan and math.isinf, so I don't think it would be totally out-of-place.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 2:49 PM, Mark Young <> wrote:
So with the proposal, you'd likely do something like

from math import nan, inf

Couldn't you just instead put 

nan, inf = float("nan"), float("inf")

at the top of your script? I don't really think this is any more verbose than an import from the math module. (Unless you're already doing an import star from math)