On Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 3:14 PM Dominik Vilsmeier <dominik.vilsmeier@gmx.de> wrote:
I like the proposal of adding an operator but I dislike the usage of "+". I'd expect this to do a recursive merge on the dict values for duplicate keys (i.e. adding the values), even more so since `Counter` (being a subclass of dict) already has that behavior.

I think that's actually a counter argument (ha!) -- since there IS a special "counter" type, why would anyone expect the regular dict to act that way?

Also, that behavior only makes sense for particular dicts -- it really is a special case, perfect for a dict subclass (you know, maybe call it Counter), but not for generic dict behavor.
I think it would be helpful if the associated operator is not a symmetric symbol but instead is explicit about which operand takes precedence for conflicting keys. The lshift "<<" operator, for example, does have this property. It would be pretty clear what this means `a << b`:

well, maybe. but I think there are two ways of thinking about "intuitive" 

1) if someone sees this code, will they be right in knowing what it means? (Readability)

2) if someone want to do something? Will they think to try this? (Discoverability)

So << might be more intuitive from a readability perspective, but less discoverable. 

Note in this discussion (particularly the previous long one) that apparently newbies often expect to be able to add dicts.

That being said, << or | is a lot better than adding yet another operator. 

take the items of "b" and put them into "a" (or a copy thereof, overwriting what's already there) in order to create the result. The PEP mentions lack of interest in this operator though, as well as:

> The "cuteness" value of abusing the operator to indicate information flow got old shortly after C++ did it.

I think a clear advantage of "<<" over "+" is that it indicates the direction (or precedence) which is important if items are potentially to be overwritten. I'd say "old but gold".

In the section about [Dict addition is lossy](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0584/#dict-addition-is-lossy) you write that "no other form of addition is lossy". This is true for the builtin types (except for floating point accuracy) but as part of the stdlib we have `collections.deque` which supports "+" and can be lossy if it specifies `maxlen`. For example:

    >>> d1 = deque([1, 2], maxlen=3)
    >>> d2 = deque([3, 4])
    >>> d1 + d2
    deque([2, 3, 4], maxlen=3)

I think this is unfortunate especially since as a double ended queue it supports both `extend` and `extendleft`, so it's not clear whether this extends d1 by d2 or left-extends d2 by d1 (though the latter would probably be ambiguous about the order of items appended). Usage of `d1 << d2` on the other hand would be explicit and clear about the direction of data flow.
Although a bit different for dicts, it would as well indicate which of the operands takes precedence over the other.
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Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
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Christopher Barker, PhD

Python Language Consulting
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