Hello developers. I like the star expression. It would be even better if we could extend the idea of PEP448 to provide the following syntax at the time of assignment. ``` python a, b, d, **_ = **{"a":0, " b":1, "c":2}, d=3 # Expressed as a function, it looks like this: def func(a, b, d, **_): ... func(**{"a":0, " b":1, "c":2}, d=3) ``` This is useful for splitting the dictionary Ideally, it would be nice to be able to provide the same syntax when calling the function. I think this applies to the zen of python called "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.". ``` python a, *args, b, **kwargs = 1, 2, *[3,4], **{"b", 4}, c=4 ( a: str, *args, b: list = [], **kwargs ) = 1, 2, *[3,4], **{"b", 4}, c=4 func = lambda( a: str, *args, b: list = [], **kwargs ): print(a, b) ``` But it would be difficult because it would conflict with various syntaxes(etc. PEP 3132). We may have to declare it explicitly to avoid confusion. ``` python # etc a, b, *args, c = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) ``` For example, prepare a keyword for unpack the positional arguments and keyword arguments at the same time. ``` python a, *args, b, **kwargs = ***(1, 2, *[3,4], **{"b", 4}, c=4) ``` I hope this is an idea to develop python. Thanks.