I would like to propose a __metafunc__ that would work similar to metaclasses but for functions. My use case is for duck punching all functions defined in a module. This tends to be difficult as a postprocess after __import__ (you have to modify method.im_func and deal with closures and functions in the module namespace that might be references to functions defined elsewhere - it's a mess). If instead when defining a function it did a lookup of __metafunc__ and called it (like a decorator) after a function was defined then I could import the module in a globals that includes my __metafunc__. Feel free to tear this idea apart, improve it, or dash it on the rocks. Perhaps some of you will also see use cases for this or something like it? -- Zachary Burns (407)590-4814 Aim - Zac256FL Production Engineer (Digital Overlord) Zindagi Games