On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 5:40 AM, Ben Finney <ben+python@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
spir <denis.spir@free.fr> writes:
try: my_final_result = finalResultComputer(arg1_from_abunch_of_args, args_should_align_properly, [so, what, if, they, re, compound]) except AttributeError, error: raise computeError( "foo ......... bar" "<--All message text lines should start here." %(String, interpolation, argument, list, as, well) )
It's for this reason that I advocate indenting continued lines *one* level, and not this hideously large increase in indentation for a single step.
Simply break at the opening container character, and indent a single level to make all the contents line up::
try: my_final_result = finalResultComputer( arg1_from_abunch_of_args, args_should_align_properly, [so, what, if, they, re, compound]) except AttributeError, error: raise computeError( "foo ......... bar" "<--All message text lines should start here." % (String, interpolation, argument, list, as, well))
I do this sometimes, but only if not every argument fits between the opening parenthesis and the 80-char limit. Otherwise, I typically indent them at the "(" level, i.e.: try: my_final_result = finalResultComputer(somelongname, otherlongname, [some, subexpression]) except AttributeError, error: raise computeError("foo ......... bar", "<--some message" % (interpolation, args)) George