Greg Ewing dixit (2011-06-13, 10:30):
I'm -1 on any proposal that somehow tries to make the default-argument hack more acceptable.
My propositions don't make that hack less acceptable -- proposing an alternative.
The main reason people still feel the need to use it is that the for-loop is broken, insofar as it doesn't create a new binding for each iteration.
The right way to address that is to fix the for-loop, IMO.
Do you mean that each iteration should create separate local scope? Then: j = 0 my_lambdas = [] for i in range(10): print(j) # would raise UnboundLocalError j = i my_lambdas.append(lambda: i) Or that the loop variable should be treated specially? Then: i_lambdas, j_lambdas = [], [] for i in range(10): j = i i_lambdas.append(lambda: i) j_lambdas.append(lambda: j) print(i_lambdas[2]()) # would print 2 print(j_lambdas[2]()) # would print 9 Cheers. *j