2016-04-01 17:07 GMT+02:00 Eric Fahlgren <ericfahlgren@gmail.com>:
Excellent work! Good to see people thinking about the future. I've been working on some similar enhancements myself. (...) One of the major changes in PEP 8.1 is the reduction of the allowed line length from 79 to 39, with a suggested maximum of 36 characters. It would be great if Python 8.1 would implement this, and disallow the use of any source code with characters beyond the magic boundary. This clearly makes sense, since as everyone knows that if the 79-column limit is good in this age of ubiquitous 1080, nay 4k, monitors, then 39 is surely better!
The rules of the pep8 module *must* change at each Python release to ensure that each release is backward-incompatible! Victor