Here is an implementation that:

A. Only relies on '<'
B. Has no special knowledge of NaN
C. Does not use sorted() or .sort() for anything
D. Is Pandas-like in choosing among only comparable items
E. Only picks an element from the original iterator, does not take mean of two candidates
    (I.e. kinda like statistic.median_low() without the NaN bug)
F. Is barely tested and not-at-all benchmarked.  I'm sure Timsort is way faster than this kinda-like-quicksort approach.

>>> even_names = ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Charlie', 'Zack', 'Xavier', 'Mary']
>>> odd_names = names + ['Francis']
>>> nums = [2, 3, 4, nan, 1]
>>> %paste
def median(it, *, _offset=0):
    smalls = []
    bigs = []
    go_big = False
    it = iter(it)
    candidate = next(it)
    for x in it:
        if x < candidate:
        elif candidate < x:
        elif candidate == x:
            if go_big:
            go_big = not go_big

    if abs(len(smalls) - len(bigs) + _offset) <= 1:
        return candidate
    elif len(smalls) >= len(bigs):
        offset = -len(bigs)
        if bigs:
        return median(smalls, _offset=offset)
        offset = len(smalls)
        if smalls:
        return median(bigs, _offset=offset)

## -- End pasted text --
>>> statistics.median_low(odd_names), median(odd_names)
('Francis', 'Francis')
>>> statistics.median_low(even_names), median(even_names)
('Charlie', 'Charlie')
>>> statistics.median_low(nums), median(nums)
(4, 2)

Keeping medicines from the bloodstreams of the sick; food
from the bellies of the hungry; books from the hands of the
uneducated; technology from the underdeveloped; and putting
advocates of freedom in prisons.  Intellectual property is
to the 21st century what the slave trade was to the 16th.