Barry Scott <barry@barrys-emacs.org> writes:
On Friday, 4 January 2019 14:57:53 GMT Łukasz Stelmach wrote:
I would like to present two pull requests[1][2] implementing fixed point presentation of numbers and ask for comments. The first is mine. I learnt about the second after publishing mine.
The only format using decimal separator from locale data for float/complex/decimal numbers at the moment is "n" which behaves like "g". The drawback of these formats, I would like to overcome, is the inability to print numbers ranging more than one order of magnitude with the same number of decimal digits without "manually" (with some additional custom code) adjusting precission. The other option is to "manually" replace "." as printed by "f" with a local decimal separator. Neither of these option is appealing to my.
Formatting 1.23456789 * n (LC_ALL=3Dpl_PL.UTF-8)
| n | ".2f" | ".3n" | |---+----------+----------| | 1 | 1.23 | 1,23 | | 2 | 12.35 | 12,3 | | 3 | 123.46 | 123 | | 4 | 1234.57 | 1,23e+03 |
Can you use locale.format_string() to solve this?
I am afraid I can't. I am using a library called pint[1] in my project. It allows me to choose how its objects are formated but it uses format() internally. It adds some custom extensions to format strings which, as far as I can tell, mekes it hard if not impossible to patch it to locale.format_string(). But this is rather an excuse. I thnik, had this problem some time ago and I got away with locale.format_string() then, but honestly I think format()/string.format/__format__ shuld support locale aware "f" just like there is "n" that behaves like "g". [1] http://pint.readthedocs.io/ -- Było mi bardzo miło. --- Rurku. --- ...
Łukasz< --- To dobrze, że mnie słuchasz.