This is a clever idea but I doubt it's worth adding.

The pattern proposed in the example in the first post doesn't strike me as very readable -- though you don't give any examples of *using* the decorator from the example, so it's a little difficult to imagine what the use case would be.

Adding __parent__ would have to happen as an extra pass once the class is defined -- the decorator (at least its outer part) runs at the time that the method is being defined as a plain function object, and at that time the class object hasn't been created yet. This also means that some decorators can't use the __parent__ attribute (because the outer function of the decorator runs before the object to be stored in __parent__ has been created).

If you really want to explore this idea further, you can probably define a metaclass that adds a __parent__ attribute to the function objects in the class __dict__ when the class is being created. Then you can experiment with using the pattern in some real code. Please report back here with some examples where the presence of __parent__ lets you write cleaner code.

An alternative that wouldn't even require a metaclass would be to write a helper function that looks the class object up by name after parsing __qualname__. There are some limitations to this, e.g. classes defined inside functions -- but that's already a suspect pattern anyway.

On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Neil Girdhar <> wrote:

On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Benjamin Peterson <> wrote:
Neil Girdhar <mistersheik@...> writes:

> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin <at>> wrote:
> Neil Girdhar <mistersheik <at> ...> writes:
> >
> > Many classes, functions, and modules are defined within the context of
> another class, function, or module thereby forming a mathematical forest of
> declarations.  It is possible to walk the descendants using __dict__ (for
> classes and modules), but not the ancestors.  I propose adding __parent__
> that would be filled at the same time that __qualname__ is filled in.This
is unlikely to work.
> 1) It turns basically everything into a cycle.
> Why a cycle? 

Because, for example, the class would reference methods, which would
reference the class.

Right.  I don't see what's wrong with that.  This already happens with the __module__ member and the module's immediate children.

> 2) __qualname__ is determined strictly from syntax, whereas __parent__ could
> not be. For example, what happens if I take a method from one class and set
> it on another? __parent__ would not be well-defined.
> I'm suggesting that parent be determined purely from declaration.  If you
copy something, neither qualname nor parent would change unless you change

It would mean your trick with super would only work for some methods.

It would only work for that are decorated in the usual way using @blah on methods defined in the class.  If someone wants to copy that method somewhere else then they'll have to update __parent__ themselves.

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